Bonding Before (top) After (bottom)

Composite bonding provides a less expensive but less permanent alternative to veneers.

The Process

Dental bonding requires a simple installation process, usually taking only 30 minutes to an hour per tooth to complete. Very little preparation is involved, and anesthesia is generally unnecessary unless the composite bonding is being applied to a decayed tooth.

The first steps of the dental bonding process are standard for all similar procedures. The damaged tooth will be roughened and cleaned with a series of cleaning solutions, to help the bonding material to adhere to the tooth better. The tooth-colored resin will then be applied to the tooth, molded into the required shape once before the UV light hardening process, and shaped and smoothed again after curing to achieve the best possible shape to match the rest of your teeth.

Who benefits from composite bonding?

Composite bonding is a simple, relatively inexpensive procedure that serves a wide range of purposes.

Composting bonding can offer:

– An alternative to traditional amalgam fillings.

– Added length to teeth.

– Improvement in the color of stained or otherwise discolored teeth.

– Closure of spaces between gapped teeth.

– Repairs for chipped or cracked teeth.

– Protection for roots exposed by receding gums.

– Reshaping of misshapen teeth.

Why should I use composite bonding?

– Composite bonding offers a cosmetic alternative to traditional fillings.

– Dental bonding is cheaper than veneers for cosmetic dental repairs.

– Application of composite resin is a much simpler process than is generally involved with veneers or crowns.

– The entire procedure can generally be done in your dentist’s office.

What are the disadvantages of using dental bonding?

– Composite bonding is a less permanent solution than would be found with veneers or crowns.

– Composite resin can chip and break over time.

– Dental bonding resin is less stain resistant than crowns or veneers, leaving it vulnerable to the same kind of staining you might have with natural teeth.